The Dental Patient Who Is “High”
presents interviews with practitioners and a review of the relevant biochemical and physiological science; the ethics of various ways to handle this challenging situation are examined, and evidence-based recommendations for dental practice are offered. (1 credit hour)
Learning Objectives
After completing the course, participants will be able to:
- Describe the typical relevant biological and behavioral effects of a patient who is “high” on alcohol and on marijuana
- List the more important criteria in deciding whether or not to treat a “high” patient
- Describe what changes would be more important in treatment should one decide to treat a “high” patient
Please Review the Following Article:
The Dental Patient Who Is “High”
Bruce Peltier, Lola Giusti, Terry Hoover, Jennifer Fountain, Jared Persinger, and Scott Sutter, The Dental Patient Who is “High”: Ethical and Scientific Recommendations for the Standard of Care, Journal of the American College of Dentists, 2010, 77(1), 21-34.