
Course Category: Issues

  • A Patient’s Perspective on Moral Issues

    1 Lessonin

    A Patient’s Perspective on Moral Issues argues that, in addition to dentists and ethicists, a morally correct conversation about these issues ought to include people who require oral health care services; based on an article in the Journal of the American College of Dentists. (1 credit hour) Learning Objectives After completing the course, participants will […]

  • A Psychologist’s View of Dental Ethics

    1 Lessonin

    A Psychologist’s View of Dental Ethics a psychologist discusses dental ethics from his perspective; several short cases are presented showing how ethical communication can be difficult; based on an article in the Journal of the American College of Dentists. (1 credit hour) Learning Objectives After completing the course, participants will be able to: Identify the […]

  • Conflicts of Interest

    1 Lessonin

    Conflicts of Interest a set of five questions is presented to help sort through conflicts of interest, which are unavoidable in dentistry; based on an article in the Journal of the American College of Dentists. (1 credit hour) Learning Objectives After completing the course, participants will be able to: Define conflict of interest and distinguish […]

  • Ethical Advertising in Dentistry

    1 Lessonin

    Ethical Advertising in Dentistry presents ethical concepts that should be followed when dentists are pursuing practice promotion through advertising; based on an article in the Journal of the American College of Dentists. (1 credit hour) Learning Objectives After completing the course, participants will be able to: State the criteria for determining whether an ad is […]

  • Ethical and Legal Considerations in Research Fraud

    1 Lessonin

    Ethical and Legal Considerations in Research Fraud addresses the ethical considerations in research using a case study; based on an article in the Journal of the American College of Dentists. (1 credit hour) Learning Objectives  After completing the course, participants will be able to: Describe a case of research fraud in the published literature, including the […]

  • Ethical Complexities of Dual Relationships

    1 Lessonin

    Ethical Complexities of Dual Relationships discusses dual relationships in dentistry, which can potentially conflict because each relationship involves expectations for behavior and these expectations may be inconsistent; examples include romantic, social, and financial situations; based on an article in the Journal of the American College of Dentists.(1 credit hour) Learning Objectives After completing the course, […]

  • Is Cosmetic Dentistry Ethical?

    1 Lessonin

    Is Cosmetic Dentistry Ethical? the issue that the ethical ground for restoration (returning a patient to healthy form and function) differs from enhancement (using medical means to improve appearance) is discussed; based on an article in the Journal of the American College of Dentists. (1 credit hour) Learning Objectives After completing the course, participants will […]

  • Oral Health Care Is Not an Entitlement

    1 Lessonin

    Oral Health Care Is Not an Entitlement Presents the position that health care is not an entitlement and argues that the rights position is not currently accepted by moral philosophers and appears to be ineffective. (1 credit hour) Learning Objectives After completing the course, participants will be able to: Define and give examples of charity, […]

  • Position Paper on Digital Communication

    1 Lessonin

    Position Paper on Digital Communication a background and position paper by the Board of Regents that can be used as a guide to the ethical use of digital communication; published in the Journal of the American College of Dentists. (1 credit hour) Learning Objectives After completing the course, participants will be able to: Identify the […]

  • Property Rights, Privacy, and Informed Consent

    1 Lessonin

    Property Rights, Privacy, and Informed Consent Discusses ethical issues related to the use of saliva in diagnostic testing; based on an article in the Journal of the American College of Dentists. (1 credit hour) Learning Objectives After completing the course, participants will be able to: Identify the patient, researcher, and societal interests in oral tissues […]