About Us

Dental Ethics

Welcome! Dental Ethics is an ever-growing collection of online courses, resources, and materials related to dental ethics—a type of ethics resource clearinghouse. The purpose Dental Ethics is to heighten ethical and professional responsibility, promote ethical conduct and professionalism in dentistry, advance dialogue on ethical issues, and stimulate reflection on common ethical problems in dental practice. Dental Ethics makes available courses, activities, and resources in dental ethics and professionalism to the dental community. Courses Online Dental Ethics (CODE) is a major section of Dental Ethics and consists of online courses and self-assessment activities in dental ethics and professionalism—with most available for C.E. credit.

acd mission


Dentalethics.org was developed by the American College of Dentists. The first course of Courses Online Dental Ethics (CODE) is based on the Ethics Handbook for Dentists first published in 2000 by the American College of Dentists and depicted on the right (revised in 2012). Some courses are based on ethical dilemmas published in the Texas Dental Journal and used with permission. General inquiries about either CODE or the handbook should be directed to the American College of Dentists using the contact information above. The Ethics Handbook for Dentists is made available on a complimentary basis to educational institutions and other qualifying dental organizations (quantities may limited).

American College of Dentists